Spicy Thai Tuna Salad
Low Calorie • High Protein
Climate Kitchen Hacks: Trying to choose low carbon fish options can leave you in murky waters. This dish is traditionally made with salmon which can have a carbon footprint as low as chicken or nearly as high as beef. Switching the salmon to a smaller portion of tuna is a more reliable sustainable choice. Oh, and we think it tastes even better. The same serving size has a 60% lower carbon footprint and 30% less fat than Thai salmon salad recipes.
This Thai Tuna Salad is perfect for those who crave a bit of spice in their salad. Sure to be a hit with everyone who loves Thai cuisine, this salad has a great balance of sweet and sour sauce with a spicy kick, topped off with the delicate sesame tuna served on top.
Serves: 4 (light lunch)
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins
1/2lb (225g) fresh yellowfin tuna steak/s (make sure MSC certified & sustainably sourced)
1 tbsp canola (rapeseed) oil
3-4 tbsp of sesame seeds (ideally black and white mixed)
4 cups (250g) of mixed green leaves (rocket or baby leaves taste great)
1 cup (240g) of cherry tomatoes, quartered
1/2 cucumber (1/2 cup, 120g), sliced
1/4 cup of cilantro/coriander, chopped
1/4 cup of mint, chopped
2 small limes (3 tbsp, 45ml), freshly squeezed
3 tbsp (45ml) of fish sauce
1 1/2 tbsp of brown sugar
1/2 - 2 tsp of siracha hot chili sauce
Salt and pepper, to taste
Assemble, measure, and prepare the ingredients. Be careful not to overpower the dish with heat from the hot chili sauce - generally 1/2 tsp will be warm, 1 tsp will have a kick, 2 tsp will be hot - you can always add more at the end.
First, take the raw tuna steak and pat it down with soft kitchen paper to remove the excess water. Spray with a little canola (rapeseed) oil on both sides. Spread the sesame seeds on a plate and dip the tuna steak into the seeds to coat top and bottom.
Heat 1 tbsp canola (rapeseed) oil in the middle of a non-stick skillet or heavy frying pan until smoking hot. Place the tuna steak onto the oil, tilt the pan to swill the oil against the tuna and/or gently press down with the back of a spatula until it starts to sizzle (be careful as hot sesame seeds will spit). Cook the tuna steak for exactly 30 seconds on each of the 4 long sides of the oblong shape, then using some tongs quickly hold the steaks upright to sear the 2 smaller ends on the hot pan. Take care to watch the clock as these timings should yield the perfect medium-rare tuna with seared fish and toasted sesame seeds on the outside and pink flesh in the middle (cook for an extra 1 minute if you don’t like rare tuna). Once the time is up, remove the tuna steak from the pan to stop the cooking. Set aside to cool.
In a large bowl, combine the mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, cilantro/coriander, and mint.
In a small bowl, mix the lime juice, fish sauce, brown sugar, and siracha hot chili sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Reserve a handful of the salad mix, then drizzle half the dressing over the remainder of the salad and toss well to coat. Taste and add more dressing, salt & pepper, or hot chili sauce as required.
Cut the tuna into slices using a very sharp knife (to prevent flaking apart).
Serve the salad in bowls with the reserved salad leaves and sesame tuna slices scattered on top (the salad leaves without dressing look more appealing).
Gin hâi a-ròi - Enjoy