Clearing The Air

Book by Tim Smedley (2019)

Tim Smedley is a sustainability journalist, author, and speaker based in the UK - his work has been published in many leading outlets including The Financial Times, BBC, The Guardian, The Observer, The Sunday Times, and New Scientist.

Clearing The Air provides valuable insight into the impact of air pollution across countries all over the World. Tim takes the reader on a journey from Los Angeles to London, and from Beijing to Delhi, telling the story of how emissions from the modern world are polluting our air and creating dangerous health consequences for developed and developing countries alike.

Tim sets out the science in clear terms and provides a good balance of statistics and storytelling which both inform and engage the reader. He details his first hand experiences from his global journey investigating the root causes of air pollution.

Anyone interested in the co-benefits of solving climate change should pick up a copy of ‘Clearing The Air’. The book illustrates why air pollution is the second largest risk-factor leading to death across the world and lays clear the benefits of shifting away from fossil fuel processes which are responsible for 90% of all air pollutants.

*Cover Image by istock


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